Roadmaps, standards and regulations for improved transport fuel economy and electric mobility market uptake in Sao Tome and Principe


UNIDO, in collaboration with DGRNE and NDA, is implementing the project "Building institutional capacity for a renewable energy and energy efficiency investment programme for São Tomé and Príncipe". The project, in coordination with another UNIDO project funded by the GEF, aims to transform the country into a climate-resilient and vibrant island centre for business. The national vision "São Tomé and Príncipe 2030" seeks to change dependence on fossil fuels to renewable energy. Currently, the country has high energy and transport costs due to fossil fuel imports, affecting economic stability and productivity. The transition will result in resource savings and allow investments in economic development and climate adaptation.

UNIDO collaborated with the DGRNE to develop the NREAP and NEEAP, with quantifiable targets by 2030 and 2050. NEEAP highlights the potential for energy efficiency improvements and prioritises transport fuel economy and electric mobility. The transport sector, responsible for more than 40 per cent of CO2 emissions, affects local health and competitiveness. Recently, UNIDO supported the government in drafting reports and regulations to improve fuel economy and promote electric vehicles. These actions serve as a model for the ECCAS region through CEREEAC.

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